Toronto, Ontario

Keeping Your Shed in a Tip-Top Shape: 10 Tips From Experts

March 1, 2024

We know how rigorously you care for your home, but do you take the time to maintain your shed? If not, you might need to replace it every few years.  Buying the shed and storing your essentials inside is just the beginning, but what takes longer to keep up is the shed maintenance. The effort and time you put into maintaining your garden shed will pay off when you see the shed retaining its pristine appearance, just as it did when you first bought it. However, if you need help maintaining your shed, we have a comprehensive checklist that will teach you all you need to know to make your shed last longer than expected. 

Why is Shed Maintenance Crucial?

You invested so much by purchasing a garden shed, but it ended up with mold, leaks, and breaks within a few years. Why? Because you took the maintenance too lightly. With regular maintenance, your shed becomes protected from irreparable harm. Regular maintenance will keep your shed pristine and ensure its security. It will also help you save time and expensive repairs, which is a significant plus.

Maintain Your Shed Like a Pro: the Checklist


There's no running away from the fact that we all throw away the unnecessary stuff in the shed. Keeping your garden shed organized begins with decluttering it regularly. Make it a point to sort through your stuff inside the shed occasionally and remove the things you don't need. The broken shelves have served their purpose for so long; it's probably time to let them go! Things that are still usable and not in use should be donated or recycled. 

Fix cracks and leaks

Your shed might have a cracked shelf or a broken window. And it might get worse if you don't pay attention. If something goes wrong, quickly address it to avoid more significant difficulties in the future. Proactively seek out possible solutions to the problems. A shed's roof is vulnerable to severe weather conditions. Regularly inspect the roof to forestall issues. Don't just think your shed is entirely waterproof because it appears in fine-functioning order. Any discoloration on the walls or ceiling could indicate water leaking from the roof into your shed. 

Wash the exterior once in a while

Regular cleaning must be addressed regardless of how sturdy materials are used to construct the shed. Whether your shed is made of metal, wood, or composite, keeping the outside clean is crucial to prevent stains and fungus from taking birth. The easiest method for cleaning your shed's exterior is to use a bucket of water with a sponge. But what's better than this? A pressure washer. But please use the lowest pressure setting of the pressure washer to avoid damaging the garden building's exterior.

Inspect doors and knobs

Door jams, squeaky hinges, and broken handles are incredibly annoying! We suggest you use a spray lubricant, such as WD-40, on hinges and handles for them to function correctly. Replace the worn-out handles with new ones to eliminate potential safety hazards. Moreover, ensure your shed's door is in good working order. It will be difficult to access the objects within if the door is broken or screams its heart out while opening! Lubrication is the key to door problems, but you may need to replace the door frame if lubrication doesn't help. 


Keep unwanted people out of your shed and safeguard your shed by all means. It is advisable to install a strong lock and consider adding motion-activated lighting or a security camera to discourage thieves or intruders. For extra piece of mind, install an alarm system in your shed if it stores essential items and equipment. In addition, consider installing sturdy screens over all openings, such as windows and vents, to keep your shed safe.

Pest control is a must

There is no pest infestation in your garden shed for now, but it doesn't mean you won't ever face that. Follow the tricks below to keep pests at bay:

  • Cut the grass and shrubs around your shed. 
  • Keep the trash outdoors.
  • Keep all the containers (fertilizers/seeds) sealed. 
  • Prevent standing water outside the shed. 
  • Deep clean the shed every once in a while. 

Consider interior cleaning

With little upkeep, your shed's interior will shine like a crystal! Some stuff inside your shed has the potential to attract dirt and mildew, which could eventually ruin your shed. Dampness and mold can accumulate and harm your shed's wood. Get rid of the clutter and dust to enjoy the shed fully. Regularly maintaining your shed makes it last longer and improves its overall quality.


Who doesn't like revamping their shed's look? Your shed's new look is complete with repainting. If your shed is made out of wood, consider wood staining from time to time. Whenever you plan to paint the shed, choose a paint that will last, won't fade, and won't attract mold. 


You don't need to worry about the weather conditions outside when your shed is adequately insulated inside. Minimize the internal humidity with proper insulation to ensure the safety and preservation of your equipment and other essentials.

Make a maintenance routine

Maintaining your shed is similar to caring for any other part of your house. Regularly checking your shed for any damage, like holes, cracks, or breakages, should be a routine practice. Please do not wait for the damage to worsen; instead, call a professional and fix it immediately. Practice all the upkeep methods mentioned above to ensure your shed lives long. 

From Shed Making to Shed Maintenance Tips- We Have You Covered at Backyard Escape Studios!

Sheds are structures similar to your houses. Shed maintenance is essential if you want your shed to last as long as possible, and the advantages that come with it are hard to overlook. Thus, from the materials utilized in construction to the regular upkeep, it requires careful attention so that your shed lasts for a long. Take our comprehensive list of shed maintenance ideas to heart and put them into practice from today to enjoy your shed for a maximum of 30 years!

Need more tips like these? Or wish to buy a shed from industry specialists?

Consider purchasing a shed from the professionals: Backyard Escape Studios. We are well-reputed in the industry for our meticulous attention to detail and high-quality artistry regarding sheds and studios. With a high-quality shed from Backyard Escape Studios and these tips for maintaining your shed, you can relax in your outdoor space for many upcoming years. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I preserve my shed?

You can easily preserve your shed for years by applying a transparent wood preservative and covering it with an exterior wood oil. This shall not only protect the shed but also appear very natural.

How can I improve my garden shed?

There are many ways to improve your garden shed's aesthetics, including painting the outer panels, upgrading the roof, installing strong shelves and hooks, and even adding chairs outside to make it more comfortable.

Can I wrap my shed?

Sometimes, homeowners think about wrapping their garage or sheds. House wrap isn't necessary for sheds, but experts say it's a good idea if you wish to protect the interior and exterior of the shed. However, if you'd like to ensure the wrap fits well, hiring a professional to install it is always a better option.

Start Building with Us Today
Take the first step towards creating the structure you have always envisioned. Share your design concepts and let us transform your dream shed into reality.